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Voicemail Total Time Limit > 50 Minutes

Unofficial Allworx enhancement requests.
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Joined: Fri Oct 03, 2014 2:44 pm

Voicemail Total Time Limit > 50 Minutes

Post by Allworx6xCT »

Request: Remove or increase time limit for per user voicemails. Currently maxed at 50 minutes.

I think this limit was imposed with more recent version update, or maybe it was with the Connect server, but the 50 minute max of user voicemail messages is pretty limiting. I'm pretty sure it used to be a lot longer. Some of my users (myself included) like to preserve old messages for legal or other reasons.

With this limitation, I have set up voicemail to email message forwarding but it shouldn't be necessary and seems pointless for Allworx to impose the time limit when actual usage is < 10% of overall server storage capacity.
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Re: Voicemail Total Time Limit > 50 Minutes

Post by wshrader »

This has been requested officially but they could not say when/if it would be "fixed".
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