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TAPI stopped working after Windows 10 Creators Build

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Joined: Wed Jul 29, 2015 11:40 am

TAPI stopped working after Windows 10 Creators Build

Post by tech.time »

Have you guys been having problems with TAPI driver when used on Windows 10? It keeps stopping to work for me and I have to go through a big ritual of uninstalling, re-installing, re-booting to get it to work again only to break again in the future (I am thinking it is breaking during some Windows updates).

There are some TechNet threads on this (below), but there seems to be more to it, because it requires more than just adding and removing driver. Allworx resellers are useless. Seems like more people would be complaining or am I the only goober using Allworx on Windows 10!

TechNet threads:

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