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FMSPNP configuration load failed

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Joined: Wed Aug 30, 2023 7:00 am

FMSPNP configuration load failed

Post by TashaMilica »

I'm trying to work out what could be triggering this error:

  • Server = Connect 324 on
  • Phone = 9312 that has been reset to defaults a couple of times now.

Troubleshooting done:
  • What does FMSPNP mean? Cannot find a clear answer here, FMSPNP doesn't appear to be part of the SIP protocol, maybe this error is exclusive to Allworx?
  • Misconfiguring the phone so that it cannot reach the Allworx server I see that FMS means "FindMyServer," PNP must mean "Plug in Play"

    Anyone have any ideas?
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Joined: Mon Apr 15, 2019 3:07 pm

Re: FMSPNP configuration load failed

Post by wshrader »

Please provide context. What is the problem? The troubleshooting you specify isn't really that.
If this is a remote phone, this could mean the PNP key is incorrect or missing but that is a guess since it is the only reference to "plug and play" relevant to Allworx as far as I recall.
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Joined: Wed Aug 30, 2023 7:00 am

Re: FMSPNP configuration load failed

Post by TashaMilica »

The error turns up on new phones being added to the server via LAN. The server logs explicitly state that the phone is trying to use PNP but the server is rejecting this. PNP for LAN and WAN is enabled.

Disabled PNP for LAN/WAN > rebooted server > Enabled PNP for LAN/WAN > rebooted, feature started working again. Seems that the GUI wasn't aligning with the config file for some reason.

Thank you for your input!
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